Member-only story
If you are able to celebrate this Father’s Day with your father, consider yourself blessed.
I happened to have been blessed with a great father. He was wise, compassionate, loving, and generous to a fault.
He was a quirky kind of guy, but very well-respected in our town, the City of Evanston, Illinois, where I grew up. He was not famous, but you could consider him well-known as a children’s book author. He also coached the basketball and baseball teams that my brother and I played for as we grew up, so many of the better athletes and their families in Evanston knew him. Couple that with my younger brother’s tremendous prowess on the baseball diamond and my own coaching and summer camp employment, and we were a fairly well-known family throughout the eighties and nineties.
My father had many great qualities, some of which were passed down to me.
Although I try hard, or at least a little bit, to always be honest and forthright in my dealings, it is not always possible in my line of work if I want to help deals get done and remain gainfully employed. I have to B.S. people a bit to get some of them to invest millions, or tens of millions, into the town that employs me to get people to do that.
I have cut some corners here and there, but it’s difficult to remember exactly which ones and when.