This is an interesting story.
It hits home for me on several fronts, the first being that I have family in Athens, O and visited there about 5 times. I love walking along the Hocking River path for miles every day.
I first read about San M.A. over ten years ago in a book called How To Retire Happy Wild and Free. It mentioned that town as a place to live like a king for super cheap! But that's a 2009 book, so things have changed.
I never thought of moving there, but definitely would consider month-long rentals or perhaps for two months. I currently live where it feels like negative 28 degrees and my property taxes alone are like $600 per month!
The third front then is that if and when I finally make it there, I'd be one of the schmucks paying $100 to $200 per night to rent a place and a similar amount on food as you wrote. I'd expect to pay around $5k to $7k to spend a lovely month there and, TBH, I would consider that a good deal.
If I ever do make it there, I'll keep my eye out for you and, if you're still there, I'll treat you to a nice meal too.